Derute Consulting Cooperative is proud to support the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and its Wisconsin Instructional Coaching Collaborative across the 2019-2020 academic year. The goals of this initiative are to increase participants’ coaching for equity capacities, practices, and strategies in three focus areas:
Identifying and naming inequitable action and belief frameworks (e.g., white fragility, deficit thinking, color-blind thinking, racial conflict avoidance, etc.) and developing equitable coaching interventions.
Identifying and naming classroom and instructional level inequities (e.g., instructional, relational, curricular, learning outcomes) and developing equitable coaching interventions.
Identifying and naming inequitable access to ambitious learning opportunities (e.g., disciplinary thinking, problem-based learning, subject area expertise, quality education and out-of-school learning) and developing equitable coaching interventions.
Leading this project is:
Emery Petchauer, Ed.D. is an educator and scholar who has worked in a range of diverse settings across the United States and abroad. With over a decade of experience alongside teachers and school leaders, his goal is to help people become more effective and justice-oriented in their practice. The author or editor of four books, he is an associate professor in the College of Education and College of Arts and Letters at Michigan State University and the recipient of the 2018 Innovation in Research on Equity and Social Justice in Teacher Education Award from the American Educational Research Association (Teaching and Teacher Education Division).