I am an advocate for equity, inclusion, and justice. My professional interests stem from my own experiences as a first generation, Chicanx academic, navigating universities that were not historically created for me. My research, teaching, and professional service reflect a calling to transform social institutions, such as higher education, to be more equitable and inclusive, allowing people from minoritized communities to thrive.
Professional Background: I am a sociologist who has spent my career in the borderlands of the academy--as a critic and outsider, but still invested in seeing it change. Currently, I am the Senior Director for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion at Rutgers University--The State University of New Jersey. Previously, I was an Associate Professor of Sociology at Texas Lutheran University (TLU), a private liberal arts university in Seguin, TX. I earned my PhD in sociology and a graduate certificate in women’s studies from Temple University in 2012.
Areas of consulting expertise: Diversity strategic planning; Culture and climate survey research; Recruitment & retention of minoritized communities; Higher education policy and practice; Culturally sustaining pedagogies.
Sample publications, awards, or accomplishments:
Castro, C. (2020). [Review of Degendering Leadership in Higher Education by Barret Katuna]. Gender & Society 34(6). pp. 1040–1042.
Zambrana, R., Ray, R., Espino, M., Castro, C., Cohen, B., and Eliason, J. (2015) “ ‘Don’t Leave Us Behind’: The Importance of Mentoring for Underrepresented Minority Faculty.” American Education Research Journal; V. 52:1. pp. 40-72.
Castro, C. (2014) “Characteristics and Perceptions of Women of Color Faculty Nationally.” In Disrupting the Culture of Silence: Confronting Gender Inequality and Making Change in Higher Education, edited by Kris De Welde and Andi Stepnick. Stylus Publishing.
Texas Lutheran University Verner Gembler Endowed Fellowship 2018-2020
Texas Lutheran University Servant Leader of the Year Award 2017-18
Texas Lutheran University Harold D. Bier Teaching Award 2017-18
Texas Lutheran University SGA Faculty Member of the Year 2016-17